UNIQUE (Unifying Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence in Quebec) is a new FRQNT-funded research center at the crossroads between AI and Neuroscience Research. UNIQUE consists of over 80 regular and collaborating researchers from leading academic institutions in and outside Quebec.
Context: There is a growing recognition that major breakthroughs in the next decade will result from the fusion of artificial intelligence (AI) and neuroscience. With its vibrant AI and neuroscience research communities, Québec provides an ideal research ecosystem for the development of interdisciplinary synergies between these two fields.
Role and vision: A key role of UNIQUE is to promote bidirectional research between scientists in neuroscience and AI and spearhead efforts to establish a high-impact Neuro-AI research discipline, in collaboration with local and international partners. UNIQUE’s vision is to develop a one-of-a-kind interdisciplinary research and training strategy at the crossroad between artificial and biological intelligence.
Find out more via the links below.