How can I apply to become a member of UNIQUE ?
Please send a CV and brief statement of intent to, for review by the UNIQUE Executive Committee. The statement of intent should include:
Your requested level of participation as a Regular Member or Collaborative Member (see information below)
A brief description of your research interests which makes a specific reference to how these align with the UNIQUE mandate (max 2 page)
If you are applying to become a regular member, your statement should -among other things- describe:
Demonstrated expertise (published work) at the intersection of AI and Neuroscience.
Ongoing (or potential for future) collaboration with current UNIQUE regular members (e.g. co-supervision of students, co-authorship of papers, joint funding, etc.).
Strength of the application and added value to the UNIQUE community.
The status of Regular Member is defined by FRQNT as a faculty member in a Quebec university whose work aligns with the mandate of a research cluster at 50% or higher. Regular Members formally confirm their participation in a cluster with the FRQNT and their CCVs are considered when the centre is evaluated.
Regular Members and their students are:
welcomed to use any infrastructure supported by UNIQUE
eligible to apply for centre-funded initiatives
encouraged to participate in the development of our community by
attending, proposing or organizing events
sharing skills through workshops or tutorials
serving as a reviewer for the funding applications
Regular Members are asked to:
upload a CCV and confirm participation in the centre, at the time of our midterm review and when the centre applies for a fund renewal
submit yearly annual report
update their list of students and post-doc
include UNIQUE in affiliations and acknowledgements in publications, presentations and media interviews when they use centre-supported labs or personnel, or when their labs receive funding through UNIQUE
Faculty members and visiting researchers (who hold a regular position as a university professor or equivalent) whose primary affiliation is with another research centre, within or outside of Quebec, have a status of Collaborating Member. They participate in centre activities but are ineligible for funding.